About the event

The European Approach for Quality Assurance of Joint Programmes was adopted at the Bologna Process Ministerial Conference in Yerevan in May 2015. The European Approach is a step towards minimising barriers in external quality assurance of joint programmes. However, to date, only a few countries have fully integrated the European Approach into their accreditation procedures, and several difficulties in implementing the Approach persist.

Within the framework of the “Facilitating implementation of the European Approach for Quality Assurance of Joint Programmes (ImpEA)” project, ENQA, ECA, EQAR, and PKA are co-organising an informational and interactive fee-free event for all stakeholders interested in learning how the European Approach for Quality Assurance of Joint Programmes may be implemented with greater ease. The event will build on previous activities pertaining to this theme and will present the results of the ImpEA project survey, in which implementation obstacles will be identified (to participate in the survey, please click here).

Participants are kindly requested to book their own travel and accommodation.


Draft programme (updated 5 February 2018).
Draft list of participants (updated 5 February 2018).
Draft practical information (updated 16 January 2018)

For inquiries concerning this event, please contact Lindsey Kerber at the ENQA Secretariat.