ImpEA project final event

ImpEA project final event

Project consortium would like to invite everyone interested in the topic of quality assurance of joint programmes for the final event of the ImPEA project.

The final confernece will take place on 17 December 2020 and begin at 12.00 CET.

During this online conference, the project results will be presented and the future challenges for the full implementation of the European Approach for Quality Assurance of Joint Programmes will be outlined. European Approach online toolkit will be presented and launched during this event. 

The event is free for all interested. Registration for the event is required.

Template for self-evaluation released

Higher Education Institutions can now use the template for self-evaluation report for their European Approach-based accreditation procedures.

The template has been tested during the project by the consortium in the project external quality assurance procedures.

The template is available in MS Word or PDF formats.

The first project report released

The first Intellectual Output of the project – European Approach implementation background report has been released.

The report provides a systematic overview of the current state of implementation of the EA in the EHEA countries. It is one of the project milestones, as provides the most up-to-date information concerning current national policies and practice in the implementation of the EA. It also takes into consideration the achievements of other projects or activities related to the European Approach (i.e. FaBoTo II, Bologna Follow-Up Group publications, EQAR monitoring data, etc.).

The report is developed based on the results of the online survey on the implementation of the EA and the outcomes of the ImpEA project background conference which took place on 1-2 March 2018 in Brussels.

ImpEA project training event for partner HEIs

The first training event for the ImpEA project partners took place on 28 – 30 May 2018 in Poznań, Poland. The training was hosted by the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań.

This training event was dedicated to the leaders of the joint programmes which will undergo the European Approach-based external quality assurance procedures. It was designed to facilitate efficient preparation of the self-evaluation report, in line with the European Approach requirements

This 3-day training programme included the following issues:

  • – project overview, including aims and objectives
  • – European Approach – principles, methodology, criteria and current stage of implementation in the EHEA countries
  • – presentation and discussion concerning templates for the self-evaluation report
  • – preparations and efficient conduction of the site visit

The full programme and the presentations are available here.


ImpEA project seminar

More then 70 participants representing higher education institutions, quality assurance agencies, ENIC/NARIC, European Students Union, European University Association, European Commission, Ministries, network organisations and many others, took part in the ImpEA project seminar. The event took place on 1-2 March in Brussels and was hosted by ENQA.

The main aim of the seminar was to raise awareness about the ImpEA project and European Approach. During the conference the results of the preceeding survey were presented and discussed. They were also a point of reference for further in-depth discussions on the current challenges in full implementation of the European Approach to Quality Assurance of Joint Programmes. The programme of the project event also included presentations of current achievements and good practices in performin European Approach-based accreditation procedures.

The seminar was the last part of the Phase 1 of the ImpEA project. Based on the desk research, project survey and the conference discussions the European Approach implementation background report will be developed and published.



Project ImpEA seminar – 1-2 March 2018

About the event

The European Approach for Quality Assurance of Joint Programmes was adopted at the Bologna Process Ministerial Conference in Yerevan in May 2015. The European Approach is a step towards minimising barriers in external quality assurance of joint programmes. However, to date, only a few countries have fully integrated the European Approach into their accreditation procedures, and several difficulties in implementing the Approach persist.

Within the framework of the “Facilitating implementation of the European Approach for Quality Assurance of Joint Programmes (ImpEA)” project, ENQA, ECA, EQAR, and PKA are co-organising an informational and interactive fee-free event for all stakeholders interested in learning how the European Approach for Quality Assurance of Joint Programmes may be implemented with greater ease. The event will build on previous activities pertaining to this theme and will present the results of the ImpEA project survey, in which implementation obstacles will be identified (to participate in the survey, please click here).

Participants are kindly requested to book their own travel and accommodation.


Draft programme (updated 5 February 2018).
Draft list of participants (updated 5 February 2018).
Draft practical information (updated 16 January 2018)

For inquiries concerning this event, please contact Lindsey Kerber at the ENQA Secretariat.