Project coordinator

Associated partner
ImpEA project final event
Project consortium would like to invite everyone interested in the topic of quality assurance of joint programmes for the final event of the ImPEA project. The final confernece will take place on 17 December 2020 and begin at 12.00 CET. During this online conference,...
Template for self-evaluation released
Higher Education Institutions can now use the template for self-evaluation report for their European Approach-based accreditation procedures. The template has been tested during the project by the consortium in the project external quality assurance procedures. The...
The first project report released
The first Intellectual Output of the project - European Approach implementation background report has been released. The report provides a systematic overview of the current state of implementation of the EA in the EHEA countries. It is one of the project...
ImpEA project training event for partner HEIs
The first training event for the ImpEA project partners took place on 28 - 30 May 2018 in Poznań, Poland. The training was hosted by the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań. This training event was dedicated to the leaders of the joint programmes which...
ImpEA project seminar
More then 70 participants representing higher education institutions, quality assurance agencies, ENIC/NARIC, European Students Union, European University Association, European Commission, Ministries, network organisations and many others, took part in the ImpEA...
Project ImpEA seminar – 1-2 March 2018
ENQA, ECA, EQAR, and PKA are co-organising an informational and interactive fee-free event for all stakeholders interested in learning how the European Approach for Quality Assurance of Joint Programmes may be implemented with greater ease.
Implementation of the European Approach – survey
Participate in the ImpEA survey on implementation of the European Approach!
Launching of the ImpEA project
“Facilitating implementation of the European Approach for Quality Assurance of Joint Programmes – ImpEA” project has been officially launched on 22nd of November 2017 in Warsaw.