Project outputs
EA implementation background report
The report provides a systematic overview of the state of implementation of the EA in the EHEA countries at the beginning of the project – 2018.
Training events publication
The publication includes all presentations from the training events and summaries of discussions at seminar workshops.
Template for self-evaluation report
This output provides higher education institutions a template for the development of the self-evaluation report.
Template for panel report
This output provides quality assurance agencies a templates for panel reports
NOHA joint programme panel report
Assessment report of the Joint Master’s Degree Programme in International Humanitarian Action (NOHA+)
EMMIR joint programme panel report
Assessment report on the European Master in Migration and Intercultural Relations (EMMIR)
SERP+ joint programme panel report
Assessment report of the Joint European Master in Surface, Electro, Radiation and Photo-chemistry (SERP+)
ImpEA project analytical report
Analytical report summarizing the pilots and identifying obstacles in full implementation of the European Approach. The results of the pilot procedures have been summarized in this analytical report, together with the experts and HEis feedback. The analytical report also consumed the background report on the implementation of the European Approach (O2). The report identified the key remaining obstacles in practical implementation of the European Approach.
European Approach online toolkit
An online interactive tool, which is designed to answer to the most important and up-to-date challenges and obstacles in implementation of the European Approach. The toolkit will be useful and meaningful even after full implementation of the EA in all EHEA countries. It includes practical guidance for each target group, frequently asked question, guidance notes, manuals and good practices in efficient use of the European Approach.